Request a Proposal

Thank you for thinking of us.

SELECT is a member network of the industry's most experienced and skilled, award winning strata managers with more than 50 years of experience managing Owners Corporations. We are the preferred and trusted service providers and our clients agree. Collectively, we manage more than 1,000 Owners Corporations, comprising of more than 13,000 individual homes, offices, shops and warehouses right across Melbourne. Our time and attention are always on the things that matter to your Owners Corporation.

To request an individually tailored proposal online, simply complete the contact form below.

We will ensure a Management Proposal is sent to you without delay that will provide you with the following information.

  • Our Company
  • Our Services
  • Our People
  • Our Portfolio
  • Our Management Transition Process

If we need to clarify any finer details with you directly, we will get in touch by telephone.

Request a Proposal

Whatever your Owners Corporation needs are, the team at SELECT have got you covered. Get in touch to see how we can help you.

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Ready to change?

Thank you for choosing SELECT. To request an individually tailored proposal online, simply click on the button below.

General Enquiries

Please click on the button below and a member from our team will be in touch with you soon.

SELECT the best

SELECT provides you with a streamlined and simple transition pathway when the time comes to change your Owners Corporation manager and make the switch to SELECT.